I know life isn't meant to be easy. But sometimes It's just too much. There are so many things in life that I want to acheive and so many options out there for me that it's tough to focus on just one. But I do have one specific goal that I've put all of my love and effort into. I've worked so hard for there even to be a chance of it surviving. And now...I'm being faced with a very strong possibility of losing what I love most.
What does someone do with a situation like that? Move on? I guess that's possible, but....ouch....I'm currently very glad that I believe in God the way I do. Because I know he wouldn't have me sacrifice this much without having something better for me in mind. Sigh* one day at a time...
There's been a lot of hubbub over the upcoming release of the movie Twilight. I'm sick of it. I don't care if you like it or you don't like it. Heck, you're going to go see it anyway (if you're not, you're dumb). So quit complaining about how the cast isn't right and the plot doesn't follow the book. As I see it, it'll be different words but the same tune. Cool your jets, snag some popcorn and leave your magnifying glasses at home. It's an artistic interpretation. Would it really be that great if the cast was perfect and every word was directly from the book? Personally, I don't think so.
If the movie were exact, there would be nothing new or exciting about it. Everyone would know all the details and would even get more than a little bored with it. As for the poor saps who can't pick up a book and read it all the way through, they're probably out of luck. This movie is taking on a life and reputation of it's own, like movies should.
Furthermore, the amateur critics and bandwagon readers can just go whine somewhere at the bottom of some large body of water. I was reading the Twilight series before it was cool to read it and I'm pretty darn happy with the results I've been seeing. See you at the movies!
Today's world is a busy one. Everyone has someplace to go, something to do and someone to see. Spare time is gradually becoming a mythical being that flits in some fantasy land one can only dream of. So when you do find that strange and bewildering moment of spare time, it takes a minute to actually figure out how to enjoy it.
What I fail to understand is this: Why, when a person finds such a fleeting moment to themselves, they think it'd be awesome to text "Watz ur fav color? Fwd dis 2 me & evry1 else in ur cell in 30 secs or ur goldfish will b hit by lightning".
My proposal is this: Have every person who creates/distributes lame forwards take their cellphones to a nearby highway, lake, ocean, bottomless pit, etc and toss them (the phones) into the street, body of water or abyss (whichever applies).