Monday, January 12, 2009

College Life is the Reward For Dealing with Highschool

Well here I am! BYU-Idaho! Land of the free and home of the best looking Mormons around! It's quite amazing really. Open campus all the time, no cliques, no drama (as long as you stay organized), friendly people, interesting classes and teachers who actually care about you. You'd think that this is the most you could ever get out of a university, but there is MORE!!! FREE TUTORING in practically every subject. There's even an entire department of the library dedicated to helping students with their math home work. Another one is designed to assist with writing papers and another to help out with music theory and such!
Every Friday night there's a dance going on somewhere. Manwaring Center does the country and swing dancing, Hinkley Building does latin ballroom, and I can't remember where the ballroom dancing is held but it is. I get to go Mormon clubbing on the weekends! Here, guys ASK the girls to dance. They know how to dance and whirl the girls around the room like you'd see in the movies. When the song is over, the guys ESCORT the girls off the floor for some other prince charming to start the whole process over for the next dance. The music is great too! I think there's a formal coming up.....hmmm I'll have to look at the schedual.
Needless to say, college here is great!

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