Our generation has been given some of the most dangerous tools known to man: digital cameras and the internet. The combination can be lethal to brain cells and the quality of art. To illustrate what I mean: http://www.utahwolfproductions.com/Modeling.html . This is a very sad example of the situation in which someone puts all of their creative energy into an actual production and the product is so low in quality, that the sucktasticness of it has left most viewers dumbfounded. Some may say "They're just using what resources they have, stop being so mean!" But here's my counter remark: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sYBqhOEdRQ&feature=PlayList&p=4023EF9CBB6B9B45&index=0 . EIP(c) is a film group of kids about college age that make films with generally the same equipment and resources Utah Wolf (c) uses. Needless to say the difference in the quality of the acting, cinematography, and overall enjoyability is pretty big. What do you think?