This post is dedicated to all the moments in which I acted like a doormat. I'm moving into a new frame of mind where it is OK to let people know when I'm not OK, when my feelings are hurt, or when I just don't like them at the moment. I'm not going to go on a tyrannical spree of bridge burning or biting everyone's (anyone who has ever ticked me off in the slightest) head off. But here's my list of repartees that I wish I'd been brave enough to say before (no chronological or any sort of order):
*You think a jean skirt is too dressed up? Well ya better start clicking your heels if you don't like it 'cause you're not in Iowa anymore.
*You don't like my lipstick eh? Well I don't like you or anyone you associate with so I think we're about even.
*Oh really? YOU have the perfect body? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
*Oooooh! I cower in mock fear of your SENIORITIS! Get over yourself, it's high school. Have fun with that attitude in real life.
*In the words of one of my favorite actresses: You go under water and I'll count to a million.
*Wow....I'm utterly astounded by how stupid you just made yourself look.
*You THINK you like her? You're willing to risk everything you have right now because you THINK you like her?
*You're awfully small minded to be making threats like that.
*As a lady, I don't start fights. But if you start one I will finish it.
*Help you? Sure, I'll help you...right over a cliff!
*Mind? Why would I mind that you tried to take what I wanted most?
*I don't like you, don't even try to talk to me.
*You're standing way too close to me.
There's more, but that actually was enough to make me feel better. Think what you wish :)