Since I'm on a roll with all the touchy controversial subjects, I'm going to burn another bridge. But this time, I don't think as many people will be offended.
Political Correctness is killing our nation's cultures. Happy Holidays? Winter Lights? That is ridiculous. I will say "Merry Christmas" and, if you don't do Christmas, I would be more than happy to hear "Happy Kwanzaa, Hanuka, New Year, etc." in return. That's just too cool to pass up. Culture is special, please share it.
Winter is so dark and cold. It can even be depressing. It only makes sense to spread the warmth of goodwill as a celebration during the bleakest time of the year. Sure the birth of Christ probably didn't even happen in December, but he did come during a bleak time in history. I don't know much about the other celebrations or what they represent, but I would love to learn.
Instead of attempting to kill all of the beautiful traditions that make us who we are, why not display them? It's a time of happiness and heartfelt gratitude towards others. Why should that be offensive to anyone? It's not like we're picketing against each other over who's beliefs are correct.
I love everything about Christmastime. It means family, love, generosity, hope for the future, peace and joy. I don't care about the commercialism. It's easily ignored. But, while I'm on the subject, there is something that I find amusing about it: Santa Claus.
Santa is not a victim of Commercialism. He is a symbol that companies use unknowingly. Think of what he represents. Kindness, happiness, love. He's the spirit of what Christmas means. And his face is everywhere, thanks to the corporate domain. Heaven forbid that peace on earth and goodwill towards men be used to fill shops and malls to serve as reminders to everyone who cares enough to notice.
In closing, I encourage anyone and everyone who reads this to think about their family traditions at this time of the year. Whether it's merry Christmas or something else, I wish you a very extra merry one and a happy New Year.
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