Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Modest Proposal to the People Who Send TM Forwards

Today's world is a busy one. Everyone has someplace to go, something to do and someone to see. Spare time is gradually becoming a mythical being that flits in some fantasy land one can only dream of. So when you do find that strange and bewildering moment of spare time, it takes a minute to actually figure out how to enjoy it.
What I fail to understand is this: Why, when a person finds such a fleeting moment to themselves, they think it'd be awesome to text "Watz ur fav color? Fwd dis 2 me & evry1 else in ur cell in 30 secs or ur goldfish will b hit by lightning".

My proposal is this: Have every person who creates/distributes lame forwards take their cellphones to a nearby highway, lake, ocean, bottomless pit, etc and toss them (the phones) into the street, body of water or abyss (whichever applies).

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