Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Lesson in Charm

In a certain recent meeting of my church's single adult ladies auxiliary, a certain lady made a certain comment that struck a sour chord with me: "Let's face it girls, we're never getting married."
This rather nonsensical and compulsive speech was a blatant advertisement of her own bitter and spinsterish mood to all those present. Now how many recognized it for what it was is uncertain as many of the women in our congregation would love nothing more than to be married but are not, thus this discouraged some even further I'm sure.
I think the lady in question was just having a bad day as she'd just turned 35 and had no prospects. Perhaps I'm too bold to suggest what could be her problem?
For starters, the attitude needs some adjusting. A spinster is as a spinster thinks, ya know! What one doesn't have in beauty must be made up for with wit and personality. Energetic love of life and laughter not only makes a person happier, it makes them prettier on the outside too. A higher level of grooming wouldn't hurt either, though.
This girl is no mud fence, no, not at all. But she doesn't ever play up the best features of her face and figure. What's getting up maybe 10 minutes earlier to pamper yourself in the morning? When I feel pretty, I act pretty. And I've noticed the same behavior in the cases of many other girls.
Another good emotional make-better tip comes to mind: Ditch the idea that you absolutely have to get married at a certain age. I don't think God intended life to be a man hunt for matrimony. Don't get me wrong, marriage is an awesome goal to have. But pinning it to an age just isn't fair to you. It leaves almost no room for love or any sort of meeting of the heart with the head.
I suppose the point of this blog is this: When you're feeling unattractive and just can't seem to establish a good relationship with a good person, perhaps it's time you took stock of yourself as a person and changed what you don't like, rather than blaming the world for your problems and spreading gloom where it has no business being spread.

<3 Ashley

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